Pennings Foundation also has a role as a knowledge center. Photography has risen at lightning speed as an important medium for social communication. Everyone makes and distributes images. Simply because it is fun, to share what you find interesting or important, but also to show who you are and what you stand for.
However, images are also complex and ambiguous: what is appearance and what is reality? What message is being conveyed and for what purpose? Being able to interpret images, analyze them and judge them are skills that are not simply innate, but require practice and can be learned.
The same applies to the ability to create images yourself: the ability to visualize, to imagine or to portray a certain theme, a question or an idea.
Tailor-made educational programs are developed especially for these kinds of questions, for secondary schools, the highest classes of primary education and for adults. The starting point for the workshops are the exhibitions, in which the relevant artist is involved as much as possible.
One of the tools used to formulate questions and answers is the Image Box, which was developed in 2021 in cooperation with students from the AVB Fontys Tilburg. The Beeldbox is used hands-on by students to answer questions about the exhibition taking place at that time.